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5 Tips on Taking Care of Your Dentures from Our Local Cosmetic Dentist

Do you have some missing teeth? If yes, a dentist in Steele Creek is likely to recommend wearing dentures. The oral devices have health and aesthetic benefits for users. First, dentures will help to ensure proper digestion.

When you have dentures, you improve your chewing ability, allowing efficient digestion. Secondly, when some of your teeth are missing, you may experience difficulties speaking. The oral device can fix the problem. Here are five tips for taking care of your dentures:

Store Them in Water

One of the simplest ways of ensuring proper maintenance of dentures is placing them in some water when you remove them. The oral devices may seem like they cannot absorb water, but they do. When you store them, water will build up into the matrix of the denture base material.
Since you will wear the dentures from a local cosmetic dentist wet, they are already accommodated to the situation. Pre-wetting them helps to prevent deformation when they absorb water. They can also get deformed if they lose water, meaning they will not fit in your mouth. Another reason for storing them in water is that the chances of breakages will be low.

Brush the Dentures

Like natural teeth, ensure you brush them twice a day. There are several causes of the accumulation of debris in dentures. The chances of food particles getting stuck in the devices are higher than oral tissues.

The particles that get pushed upward and backward when chewing or swallowing can build up between the palate and upper dentures. Some of the dental problems that arise due to the accumulation of debris are bad breath and inflammation of oral tissues.

Brush Your Gums

Losing some teeth doesn’t mean you cannot get gum disease. When you brush your dentures, ensure you also take some time to brush the gums. The choice of toothbrush you use for this task is crucial. Whichever type you choose, it must have soft bristles.

Dealing With Loose Dentures

Ideally, the oral devices should fit on your gums. However, they may become loose and may not fit well like they used to. If that happens, you have several options. First, you can contact a local cosmetic dentist for adjustments. A dentist in Steele Creek can also apply denture adhesive.

Cleaning Your Denture

Other than “Where can I find a cosmetic dentist near me?” people also ask about the best way for cleaning dentures. Ensure you only use cleaners prescribed by a professional dentist to clean the devices. Cosmetic dentists advise patients to avoid using boiling water or alcohol to clean dentures.

If you have missing teeth, then you must be asking, “Where can I find a cosmetic dentist near me?” We’ve got your back. Contact us today and book an appointment!

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